Giving YOU the chance to SPEAK!!

This speaking club has finished!

This speaking club is over, and if you attended, we hope you enjoyed it. If you REALLY enjoyed yourself, you can do us a massive favour and give us a nice-big-juicy-5-star review - no written review needed - on Google or recommend us on Facebook

If you missed this topic, don't worry, you can always join another FREE English speaking club or if you really want, you could join a group of just 3 people for 4 weeks for an Online English Speaking Course all hosted by a British native speaker!

If you have any suggestions for improvements or ideas for future speaking clubs, we'd love to hear from you and you can get in contact using any of the below ways. 

One last thing before you go, we know those adverts you see on the left and right are really annoying, but they do pay us a few pennies a day and once we add those pennies up, at the end of the year, it's usually enough to pay for our yearly subscription of Zoom, so if you give one of them a click each time you come and sign-up it REALLY helps us and allows us to keep doing the FREE conversation clubs


Feel free to get in contact by email, social media or messenger